
Jared Spool UIE.com
If you’ve ever seen Jared speak about usability, you know that he’s probably the most effective, knowledgeable communicator on the subject today. What you probably don’t know is that he has guided the research agenda and built User Interface Engineering into the largest research organization of its kind in the world. He’s been working in the field of usability and design since 1978, before the term ‘usability’ was ever associated with computers.
Jared spends his time working with the research teams at the company; he helps clients understand how to solve their design problems, and explains to reporters and industry analysts what the current state of design is all about. Jared is a top-rated speaker, and presents at over 20 conferences every year, and is the conference chair and keynote speaker at the annual User Interface Conference. Jared is on the faculty of the Tufts University Gordon Institute, and even manages to squeeze in a fair amount of writing time.
Jared is presenting The Dawning of the Age of Experience, 10:00–10:45

Leisa Reichelt Disambiguity.com
Leisa is a Principal Consultant at Flow Interactive in London, where she practises contextual research and user centred design for clients including Transport for London, the BBC and Moo Print. With a background in Information Architecture and Project Management Leisa has been designing online experiences for more than a decade.
Leisa is presenting Waterfall Bad, Washing Machine Good, 11:15–12:00

Peter Merholz PeterMe.com
Peter Merholz is President of Adaptive Path, an experience strategy and design firm based in San Francisco. He is an experienced information architect, writer, speaker and leader in the field of designing for user experience. Peter is a regular speaker at Web design and information architecture conferences, including SxSW and the IA Summit.
Peter is perhaps best known for his blog, published since 1998, where he writes about design, business, and technology. In fact, Peter was the person who coined the term ‘blog’ in the first place.
Peter is a passionate teacher, and has travelled throughout the United States and Europe giving one- and two-day workshops on user experience methods and fundamentals.
Peter is presenting Experience Strategies, 12:00–12:45

Cameron Moll CameronMoll.com
Co-author of CSS Mastery and author of Mobile Web Design, Cameron Moll creates meaningful web interfaces that harmonize utility and presentation. His work and advice has been featured by Forrester Research, Communication Arts, National Public Radio (NPR), and many others. He speaks on user interface design at conferences throughout the world, and amid all this craziness he still finds time to play ball with each of his boys.
Cameron is currently the Interaction Design Manager for the LDS Church, helping manage the many websites and applications of a organization with more than 12 million members worldwide. Cameron resides in Salt Lake City, Utah with his wife Suzanne and four sons.
Cameron is presenting Good vs. Great Design, 14:00–14:45

George Oates george08.blogspot.com
Principal designer at Flickr, George is an online application designer fascinated by the human condition. She is a founding member of the award-winning team that built Flickr, and finds herself constantly delighted by things like user-contributed content, interaction design, organic information systems and sunsets.

Denise Wilton KaiusDesign.com
Denise Wilton is the graphic designer at UK startup moo.com. She looks after the overall look-and-feel, from online graphics to print and packaging. Denise is also the ‘community manager’, keeping a keen eye on partnerships and developing communities based around the MOO products. Prior to MOO, she was variously self employed, a Creative Director at Emap (UK publishers), and senior designer at Wheel. Denise is a co-founder of b3ta and has written articles for MacFormat, Computer Arts and Design Week.
George & Denise are presenting Human Traffic, 14:45–15:30

Matt Webb interconnected.org/home
Matt Webb is a principal of the creative design consultancy Schulze & Webb where his work has included material prototypes for Nokia, web strategy for the BBC, and exploration into the future uses of RFID. S&W works in near-term product R&D and, as embodied in the USB puppet Availabot, it has a special focus on the social life of stuff. Matt speaks on interaction design and technology, is co-author of Mind Hacks, cognitive psychology for a general audience, and builds polite social software and Web toys. He can be found at Interconnected and in London.
Matt is presenting The Experience Stack, 16:00–16:45

Tom Coates PlasticBag.org
Tom Coates works for Yahoo Brickhouse where he develops new concepts in social software, future media and the web of data. He focuses on the shape of the web to come and how to make things that thrive as part of it. He’s worked for many of the UK’s most prominent web companies including Time Out, UpMyStreet and the BBC where he ran a small near-term R&D team for the BBC exploring media navigation, annotation and distribution.
A regular speaker at conferences including ETech, XTech, IASummit and The Future of Web Apps, Tom also writes extensively at plasticbag.org as well as running the experimental online community barbelith.com.
Tom is presenting Designing for a Web of Data, 16:45–17:30
Workshop speakers

Jeremy Keith Adactio.com
Jeremy Keith is a web developer living and working in Brighton, England. Working with the web consultancy firm Clearleft, Jeremy enjoys building accessible, elegant websites using the troika of web standards: XHTML, CSS and the DOM.
Jeremy is the author of DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model. He is a member of the Web Standards Project where he serves as joint leader of the DOM Scripting Task Force.
When he’s not building websites, Jeremy plays bouzouki in the alt.country band, Salter Cane. He is also the creator and curator of The Session, one of the Web’s largest online communities dedicated to Irish traditional music.

Tantek Çelik Tantek.com
Tantek Çelik is Chief Technologist at Technorati where he leads the design and development of new standards and technologies. Prior to Technorati, he was a veteran representative to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for Microsoft, where he also helped lead the development of the award-winning Internet Explorer for Macintosh. As co-founder of the microformats.org community and the Global Multimedia Protocols Group, as well as Steering Committee member of the Web Standards Project and invited expert to the W3C Cascading Style Sheets working group, Tantek is dedicated to advancing open standards and simpler data formats for the Web.
Jeremy & Tantek are presenting Microformats, 5th September
Peter Merholz (see above)
Peter is presenting Principles & Practices for Successful Experience Design, 6th September

Thomas Vander Wal VanderWal.net/
Thomas Vander Wal is a popular speaker on tagging/folksonomy, social web, and web applications around well structured information. He is often recognized as the person who coined the term ‘folksonomy’ in 2004, as well as some of his other terms: Personal InfoCloud, Local InfoCloud, Come to Me Web, digital model of attraction etc. Thomas is founder, principal, and senior consultant at InfoCloud Solutions, a social web consulting firm. Thomas has been working professionally on the web since 1995 (with professional IT background beginning in 1988) and has breadth and depth across many roles and disciplines around web design, social web development & research and general web development. He is a member of the Web Standards Project Steering Committee and helped found the Information Architecture Institute and Boxes & Arrows web magazine.
Thomas is presenting Building the Social Web with Tagging/Folksonomies, 6th September
Photo credits
- Jared Spool photo by Jesper Rønn-Jensen
- Leisa Reichelt photo by herself
- Peter Merholz photo by Brian Oberkirch
- Cameron Moll photo by Andy Budd
- George Oates photo by Scott Beale / Laughing Squid
- Denise Wilton photo by Tom Coates
- Matt Webb photo by Tom Coates
- Tom Coates photo by Cal Henderson
- Jeremy Keith photo by Jessica Spengler
- Tantek Çelik photo by Jeremy Keith
- Thomas Vander Wal photo by Andy Budd